The Online Version of CHEMCompete-II: An Organic Chemistry Card Game to Differentiate between Substitution and Elimination Reactions of Alcohols
We previously published CHEMCompete-II, a card game shown to be successful at improving student comprehension of substitution and elimination reactions of alcohols.4 Once the pandemic disrupted in-person academic instruction, it was impossible to play CHEMCompete-II face-to-face. However, given the effectiveness of the game, as well as the difficulty of substitution and elimination reactions of alcohols, the need to convert the game onto an online platform to accommodate remote learning of this concept was urgent. Additionally, an online organic chemistry game on substitution and elimination reactions of alcohols has yet to be designed. Here, we describe the online version of CHEMCompete-II, and compare its effectiveness in improving student comprehension of these reactions to that of the physical version.